Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Does the price include set up and delivery?
A: Yes.
Q: When do you set up?
A: We deliver before noon and pick up before dark.
Q: Do we have to keep it plugged in the entire time?
A: Yes, once unplugged they deflate.
Q: What about parks? Do parks have electricity?
A: Parks provide an excellent location for inflatables, but some parks don't have electricity. If you want to set up at a park, you must make sure they have electrical service. If not, you must supply a generator.
Q: What payments do you take?
A: Cash or check at the time of delivery.
Q: What if we need to cancel?
A: Please contact Metro STL Bounce at 618-802-6803 to cancel, there are no fees unless cancelled the day of event. Cancellations due to inclement weather will incur no charge.
Q: Do you require a deposit?
A: No deposit required. You can pay by cash or check at delivery.
Q: How big are the inflatables?
A: Please note the space required for each inflatable on the website. Proper clearance is required for safety and to prevent damage to the inflatable. Contact Metro STL Bounce should you have any questions.
Q: What type of surfaces are allowed for the inflatable?
Grass is the surface for set up. Dirt, asphalt, and concrete can be accomodated. Setting up on rough surfaces such as rocks and gravel will cause damage to the inflatable and is not allowed.
Q: Can we see a copy of your rental agreement and safety rules?
A: Yes, they are available on our website. You will also receive a copy of each when you place an order, through a confirmation email.
Q: Are we responsible for the unit if it gets a tear or damaged in any way?
A: You are not responsible for normal wear and tear on our units. If you notice any damage, please notify us at pickup. If, however, damage occurs due to failure to follow safety rules or negligence you will be responsible for all damages up to and including replacement of the inflatable and associated equipment.
Q: What is your weather policy?
A: Weather can be unpredictable and safety is our number one concern. Metro STL Bounce or the lessee reserves the right to cancel at any time due to inclement weather. Metro STL Bounce will not set up in strong winds or if there are thunderstorms.